FSD – Beechcraft 35B V-Tail Bonanza

FlightSim Developers (FSD International) have released, in their words, a “sexy” version of the 35B Bonanza. The Bonanza is a fast modern small GA plane and FSD reckon there’s has magical properties, thus “making it an ideal addition” to your virtual FSX hangar.

The 35B Bonanza is a unique 4 to 6 seater GA plane with its “V” tail giving it that “distinct” look as well as imbuing it with the lowest drag in its class. FSD have wisely made this plane to be FSX DX10 compatible using “high fidelity” features in their model.

So if you want to be seen in a sexy plane you will find further details at FSD here.

The model incorporates:

  • Accurate detailed 3D model using 3D mesh modeling.
  • Custom versions designed for Flight Simulator X SP 2.
  • Highly detailed 3D mesh virtual cockpit.
  • Luxury interior.
  • Custom designed Garmin G480 avionics. *
  • Smooth gauge performance.
  • Precisely realistic flight dynamics.
  • Realistic and consistent flight control and performance.
  • Accurate aircraft systems modeling.
  • Aircraft animations faithful replicated to the smallest detail, including landing gears, control surfaces, passenger and cargo doors.
  • Reflective shine and luminosity in exterior texturing. FS X version features bump mapping and all of the texture mapping effects introduced in SP 2.
  • Extensive documentation.
  • Repaint kit for aircraft painting enthusiasts