CF-150 Arrow From Xtreme Prototypes

Xtreme Prototypes “…… is proud to announce the release of its Avro CF-105 Arrow add-on aircraft package for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Flight Simulator 2004. The software includes six variations of the legendary Canadian “all-weather” high-altitude interceptor, two fully functional 3D virtual cockpits, Arrow custom sound sets and 14 camera definitions for FSX…..”. “…. Also included 10 saved flights based on Arrow test flights or fictitious but anticipated missions, and a 60-page user manual inspired from original Avro flight manuals in English and French (PDF format).

The Xtreme Prototypes CF-105 Arrow for Flight Simulator is available on CD-ROM or download and can be purchased online from Xtreme Prototypes or from addon resellers at the competitive price of $34.99 USD (suggested retail price). The addon is compatible with FSX SP2, FSX Acceleration Expansion Pack, FS2004, Windows XP SP2 and WindowsR Vista…..”.
The Xtreme Prototypes CF-105 Arrow for Flight Simulator is available for immediate download at: