Barakoma Airfield Released

Jim Haenens has released his freeware Barakoma Airfield. “….. After the capture of Henderson Field in Guadalcanal, Barakoma Airfield signaled the beginning of the end for Japanese airpower in the South Pacific. It is from Barakoma that the Black Sheep and other Marine and Navy Corsair squadrons escorted bombers to Rabaul and points north and went on their famed “Come and get me” raids on Japanese airfields….”.

“…. DC-3’s, P-40’s, and all manner of small bombers and fighters were regular visitors and there was even a PV-1 Ventura Squadron equipped as Night Fighters in residence. This airport presents Barakoma as it was during the height of operations and includes many custom models, completely redone shorelines, 30 meter elevation mesh for the entire island, and retro landclass. It’s available at Simviation now…..”. More screenshots here.


0 Responses

  1. I just thought I’d point out that Sim-outhouse is going through a server change and forum upgrade at the moment, so the forum post Francois has linked to will be down for a short while.

    Nice work though Jim, looking forward to downloading the files when they are available again.