Tag: PMDG 777

FS2Crew for the PMDG 777 Version 1.8

In its latest version 1.8, FS2Crew for PMDG 777 fixes the text display especially for monitors with high resolution. The full changelog can be checked in

PMDG – 777LR/F First Impressions Review

We’ve had several highly anticipated releases the last 2 months. The A2A Simulations Cessna C172 Trainer, and Aerosoft/Flightsimsoft PFPX come to mind. But the highly

AoA PMDG 777 Training

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPjVZ1-782w&feature=player_embedded With the upcoming PMDG 777, Angle of Attack wants to teach to simpilots their knowledge in another way than reading the manuals, tutorials. Their