Tag: Pete Dowson

Pete Dowson – FSUIPC5 For P3DV4

The new module of Pete Dowson especially programmed for P3D version 4 is online : FSUIPC 5. His very useful tool allows you to assign


FSUIPC 5 Announced for P3D v4

The incoming version 4 of Prepar3D will need a new module from Pete Dowson. His FSUIPC tool is a pure 32bit mode that is not

FSUIPC 4.944

Gents, Pete Dowson published an updated version of FSUIPC 4 for FSX, FSX:SE and P3D v1/v2 so get the latest module here. The changelog notes

FSUIPC 4.937 for FSX and Prepar3D

The popular module of Pete Dowson for FSX and P3D V2/V2.4 exists now in its version 4.937. Download the latest version in the support forum.

FSUIPC 4.931

Required for Prepar3D v2.2, the latest version of FSUPIC 4.931 can be downloaded from Pete Dowson“s forum here. Obviously, it may be useful for FSX

FSUIPC Updated to 4.924

Users of Pete Dowson’s FSUIPC4 for FSX and Prepar3D have another update in the form of a full new installer for version 4.924 of the

FSUIPC Updated to include Prepar3D v2

On his support forum here at simFlight, FSUIPC developer Pete Dowson has announced the release of version 4.923 of the package – which stands for

Important News for FSUIPC Users

Due to a breach in the security of the GlobalSign certificate used to confirm that FSUIPC is a valid and safe package, the certificate is

New version of FSUIPC modules

Whether you have registered or not FSUIPC 3 and FSUIPC 4 modules, download the respective latest versions 3.999z and 4.86 from Pete Dowson support forums.