Tag: Performance

FSPS – P3D Booster Live

Just like FSX Booster Live but for P3D this time, FSPS utility manages an automatic process that you can set quickly with just a slider

CPS updated to version

The developers of Concorde Performance System (CPS) have announced the release of version of their planning and flight control tool. Recognising a gap in

TOPER (Takeoff Performance) Calculator tool

Nikola Jovanovic has released this low-cost tool to aid pilots of simulated Boeing 737-800 aircraft with CFM56-7B26 engines to operate their aircraft as realistically as

FSPS Xtreme Booster for L-M Prepar3D

Xtreme Booster from Flight Simulator Platform Solutions has been around for a while for Microsoft FSX, getting good reviews from customers, so it is perhaps

FSPS – Xtreme FSX PC

FSPS comes with a new tool to tweak FSX aiming at the best performance based on your PC hardware setup. Until there, you think you’re

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