Tag: Mirage

Razbam – First flight video of Mirage-2000C in DCS

httpv://youtu.be/sc5TMAInWgI What an impressive video : flying in DCS World, Razbam filmed their upcoming Mirage-2000C. This variant made for air defense, is still in operation today although the aircraft

M-2000C Radar functionality video in DCS by RAZBAM

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgEIMfDpH28 Beside their P3D and FSX aircraft products line, Razbam group is also developing for DCS Military flight simulator. Their advanced M-2000C will feature realistic

Metal2Mesh Mirage cockpit Beta

Over at their Facebook page, Metal2Mesh have posted some screenshots of their upcoming Mirage 2000C in Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D v2 simulator. According to a post

Beautiful Mirage In The Making

The French designer ‘Rollus13’ has been working for quite some time already on his new Mirage 2000. Although a lot of the screenshots have disappeared

New Soundpacks From TSS

TSS from Denmark has released two new soundpacks. The first one is that of a Hughes MD-500 military helicopter and aimed at FS2004. The other

SimScape: new development team

SimScape is a new development team focused on developing easy-to-use software products to improve your flight simulation experience. SimScape has developed a strong expertise in

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