Tag: Level-D

Level-D 767 in Prepar3D v3

Thanks to a new update, the Classic 767-300ER of Level-D can now fly in P3D v3 skies, and in Windows 10 environment too. Find the

Nikola Jovanovic – 2D Wiper for Level-D 767

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-XbcVRK-Kc&feature=player_embedded Installed in front of the 2D panels of the Level-D 767-300ER, you can easily add functional 2D wipers. Both left and right wipers controls on

Zinertek – Level-D 767 HD Upgrade

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPKhhRRrw0s&feature=player_embedded For many hardcore and longtime simmers, the Level-D 767 is still a respected reference. Zinertek have made famous and popular environment textures global upgrades,

Simulator Tickets for a B777 in Switzerland

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TdRHVfZiGY&feature=player_embedded Simair starts selling tickets at simMarket for their Boeing 777 professional simulator located in Zurich, Switzerland. The brand new simulator recently assembled by Flightdeck