Tag: Helgoland

Aerosoft – Helgoland X-Plane 12/11

Aerosoft and SIMMARKET present Helgoland XP for X-Plane 12/11, offering a breathtaking rendition of Germany’s iconic island with stunning attention to detail. Experience the dynamic

Helgoland For Aerofly FS 2

The very detailed scenery of Helgoland, the German island in the North Sea, has been adapted for Aerofly FS 2. In the simulator, you will

Aerosoft – Helgoland FSX V2.0

FSX pilots will also have the chance to experiment Helgoland V2.0 by Aerosoft. Numerous enhancements totally change the scenery look : the ground photoreal imagery, the

Aerosoft – Helgoland Professional P3D4

httpv://youtu.be/ddC0_TaiCwY The iconic scenery Helgoland comes back with many new features and improvements : the two little islands of Germany in the North Sea are

Aerosoft Helgoland 1.10

Helgoland Aerosoft photoreal scenery goes version 1.10 at Aerosoft. Its author Limesim updated the airport buildings and added features to improve its scenery according to

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