Tag: Electronic Flight Bag

Michael Kulke – XMapsy V3 FSX P3D

XMapsy V3 feeds your Electronic Flight Bag app with the data retrieved from your flight simulator : AI traffic positions, aircraft data. More technical information

M Kulke – XMapsy V2

Xmapsy V2 is a tool for all versions of P3D and FSX to enable various Electronic Flight Bag features, and to display Google Maps as

AivlaSoft – Update v1.3.7

Your electronig flight bag by AivlaSoft is updated in version 1.3.7. Visit their website for complete informations or to try the demo. It’s unlimited in functions but

Captain Sim 777 Electronic Flight Bag

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJra2LNc_To&feature=player_embedded The 777 exterior model of Captain Sim has been available for months already and we keep on waiting for the systems or virtual cockpit

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