Arima – EDLW Dortmund MSFS

The previous airport scenery of Arima is Sharjah OMSJ, separately sold for MSFS, or P3D or FSX, which is still on sale 25% OFF. Now,

Aerosoft – Dortmund XP X-Plane 11

Dorrmund XP makes part of the new products released this week at simMarket for X-Plane 11. Aerosoft included a detailed city of the German city

Aerosoft – Approaching Dortmund P3D4

httpv://youtu.be/Pg9YBo9ZOnE This is a very complete scenery for Dortmund city, its surroundings and airports including the main airport EDLW, and the airfield Hengsen-Opherdicke (EO08). Open

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