Tag: Aerowinx

PSX : the ultimate 747 sim in August

It’s now scheduled : Aerowinx PSX, the new version of the ultimate standalone 747-400 simulator will be released in next August. The minimum system requirements

PSX Aerowinx 747-400 final works

Aerowinx has ended the Beta test phase of their ultimate 747-400 simulator for home computers. The main remaining task now is to write and build

New preview of 744 Aerowinx PSX

Since it has been removed from the market in 2008, Aerowinx 747-400 Simulator (PS1) has not left its special place in long time simmers memories. Development

744 PSX : Aerowinx is back

Aerowinx is a respected company by long time simmers who have used or have heard about the PS1 747-400 simulator, bringing an incredible systems reproduction