Category: Network


IVAO Announces WebEye 3.0

The new software of IVAO network, able to display all connected pilots and controllers in real-time has been updated. The new version of WebEye 3.0


IVAO Crowded Skies 2019

The most important event on IVAO network is planned on next December 07th : Crowded Skies 2019. Last record was set at 3003 connections, cumulating


IVAO Future Software

IVAO network has been using the Ivac ATC client and Ivap pilot client softwares for about 15 years if I remember well because I was


IVAO 20th Anniversary – Crowded Skies Event

IVAO network invites the virtual pilots to participate in their 20th Anniversary and the top event is Crowded Skies, on December 1st. Ribbon rewards and a


IVAO Crowded Skies XI : December 13th

  It’s already the 11th edition of Crowded Skies on IVAO network. This year, they hope to beat the last record of 2,303 simultaneous connections.


IVAO Crystal Skies December 14th

IVAO members received an email from the network to inform them about Crystal Skies event to take place this saturday December 14th. Their goal is

REX Latitude economy turns optional

The young multiplayer pilot community launched by REX, Latitude, will see its economic features change next month in February. They turn optional and they will

IVAO Crowded Skies 2013

Maybe this will be your first mark in your calendar 2013, Crowded Skies 2013 on January 19th. Last year there were 2,300 connections to the network

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