Category: HARDWARE


MSFS – Sismo Link & PMDG v1.7

SismoLink V1.7 is already available. For more info and download see this link. SismoLink is the connector under development to connect Sismo’s modules with PMDG


MobiFlight – Release version 10.1

With the software from MobiFlight and some hardware, for example a Arduino and a lot of switches, rotary, display’s you can make your own cockpit configuration. And


RealSimGear – Garmin G3X Avionics Panel

A new hardware product from RealSimGear. The G3X is an ultra realistic replica of the real Garmin G3X glass panel.  It features backlit rubber buttons


Flight Panels – AeroLens Pro (Launch offer)

AeroLens Pro is the ultimate Camera Management solution for pilots, digital creators and streamers as it provides quick and simple access to cockpit, instrumentation, showcase,


MSFS – Sismo Link & PMDG v1.6

SismoLink is the connector under development to connect Sismo’s modules with PMDG 737 within FS2020. And today is the release of version 1.6. Now with


fsXtimes – Saitek Instrument Panel Gauges

There are some new gauges for the Saitek Instrument Panel hardware users. These new gauges are available via the website from fsXtimes. Feature-wise, it has


MobiFlight – Release version 10

With the software from MobiFlight and some hardware, for example a Arduino and a lot of switches, rotary, display’s you can make your own cockpit


Stream Deck – Garmin GTN750 Profile (MSFS)

From Flight Panels a fully configured software solution for the users of the hardware panel “Stream Deck” and flying with the Garmin GTN750 in your
