Category: Curiosities


Where Do You Fly? – Mexico

One of the things I like about Flight Simming is that there’s no politics involved. You just get to enjoy the natural scenery, wonders of

Where Do You Fly?

Where Do You Fly?

Most flights take place in North America and Europe which can be verified by looking at the routes being flown on the various on-line flight tracking systems. Given that most simmers are from these areas it’s not surprising. However, there are many other interesting areas to fly. I’ll give you two areas to give you some fresh ideas and a list of scenery available for each area at the end of the article.

New Poll Up And Running

Some people only buy stuff when it has written ‘Made in the USA’,  ‘Made in EU’ or similar text on it, provided there is any

Tongass Fjords X Glory on Video

A quick morning video for your viewing pleasure: Buzz313th (don’t ask me, that is a user name…) has made a video showing the Sitka area

U-turn With A Viggen

Here’s an interesting video from the endless YouTube resource…. A Saab Viggen with a pilot who forgot his sandwiches at home…. These aircraft are designed

Outerra gives us Mother Earth!

Jorge at, aka simFlight Portugal, reports about an interesting development named outerra, a planetary engine. Sounds like a lot doesn’t it? apparently the developer

What’s Your Favorite In FS?

We put up a little ‘poll’ on the right of the screen. Vote for your favorite ‘fetish’ in Flight Simulation today! Are you a ground-hugging

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