Category: Blogging


Aus Flight Simmer – Sim Update 13

There are many flightsimmers with a YouTube Channel. For me as a newseditor it’s always a pleasure to follow some of them for new flightsim


Military Aircraft in MSFS : For What ?

I’m talking about military planes in Microsoft Flight Simulator and what they are for. Sim Skunk Works released a new version of the F-104. “But


Last Call to FlightSim Community Survey 2021

This weekend is your last opportunity to enter the FlightSim Community Survey 2021 hosted by Navigraph : give a few minutes of your time to


FlightSim Community Survey 2020

Navigraph is conducting a FlightSim Community Survey together with several major addon developers and organizations within the flight simulation community. The survey, the largest of


FSElite Community Choice Award

FSElite launched their community poll to make simmers to vote for their best aircraft, scenery, developer or publisher. All of the details can be found

Add-on or Expansion Pack

Dino posts project updates

Dino Cattaneo has today posted a general update regarding his projects to the India India Alpha Foxtrot Echo blog page, providing readers with a quick

Add-on or Expansion Pack

Psst! Need a fence?

Continuing his little insights into the process of developing the high quality scenery for which he is famous, Bill Womack of iBlueYonder has today uploaded


Wanted : Computer Pilot Magazine

I wish I could verify that no news mean good news. But I’ve not found any public communication towards Computer Pilot fans on their website

X-Plane being sued for patent infringement ?

Copyrights and patents registration have been set to protect the creativity of authors, to ensure they earn the revenues of their creations to develop some

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