Category: ATC


Navigraph – AIRAC Cycle 2311

The new AIRAC Cycle 2311 is out. So be up to date with your navigation and install the new Navigation Data. Available via Navigraph.AIRAC Cycle


Navigraph – Moving Map (SimLink)

Stay connected to your flight progress across all your devices with Navigraph Simlink. By installing this seamless connectivity tool, you can effortlessly monitor your simulator


AivlaSoft – Update 2.3 #141

Some info for the AivlaSoft users: Today we have released update 2.3.141. This update fixes the issue that weather data cannot be downloaded anymore. See


New Version of Navigraph Charts Released

The Navigraph Development Team is proud to announce that the long anticipated new version of Navigraph Charts is now available for download here: What


VfrFlight: Free VFR Flight Planner

If you are looking for a nice, useful, inexpensive and user-friendly VFR flight planner, this is for you: VfrFlight, a free VFR Flight Planner developed


Air Navigation: Find your (Air)way

“Nowe some there be that be very inquisitive to have a way to get the longitude, but that is to tedious” . This quotation by