
Introduction to VATSIM – Intro

I know there are more video’s of how to start with online flying. In this example it is with the VATSIM network. With a nice intro / overview how to start from YouTuber KurtVW Sims and Such.

And episode 2:

And even episode 3 with IFR Basics:

So give it a go. More info on the website of VATSIM.

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6 months ago

Thank you for posting these links to my content, as a small channel just starting out, this kind of exposure really helps. Thanks again

Anthony Acri
Anthony Acri
6 months ago

Nice video
Question on the Simaware map how did you change the background , not just an all dark

6 months ago
Reply to  Anthony Acri

There are a few buttons along the bottom of the map that change the various settings. ATC shows the online facilities… The little light bulb icon changes from dark to satellite view, etc.

Toggle Dark Mode