The PMS50 software for the GTN 750 has a update to version v2.2.10. From version 2.2.3 to the actual version v2.2.10:
- Bugfix: WTT mode: ILS approach not working with the Black Square TBM 850.
- Added an option to disable the click sound.
- WTT mode: The VS autopilot director has been updated.
- Bugfix: The nearest airport list may fail to initialize.
- Added the Find button in the frequency selection page (premium).
- Bugfix: issues around the COM Channel spacing saving state.
- Bugfix: WTT external mode: Restarting the GTN750 toolbar panel while flying a hold may reset the active leg.
- Added the GTN750 toolbar panel events mapping (H events simulation). Premium only.
- Added a new set of GPS hot swapping variables for a deeper control (integrator’s only). See the latest integrator’s guide.
- We are now Using the BingMap APi for elevation data (requires the Bingmap key).
- Added a virtual mouse to control the instruments from external hardware. Premium only.
- Bugfix: The new toolbar panel events were not working in the previous release.
- Fallback to the sim Metar if AVWX call fails. The sim Metar is less detailed and there is no TAF data.
- Added an option for displaying user fields as a replacement for the audio panel and transponder (premium).
- Bugfix GTN650: The wind direction in the default navigation page was bad (Track up instead of North Up).
- Bugfix: WTT mode: bad target Direct To in the flight plan page when activating an approach and the last enroute waypoint is the same as the IAF.
- Bugfix: The map waypoint’s constraint may blink if the waypoint appears 2 times in the flight plan.
- Added the possibility to independently disable XPDR and Audio panel (premium). The freed space is then used for user fields.
- WTT mode: Added a visual button in the map page (see the manual chapter “Map Visual button”). Premium feature.
- Bugfix: the Bingmap key was saved at the instrument level instead of the global level.
- BugFix: WTT mode: The flight director may not initialize correctly in some aircraft (ex TBM 850).
- Added the Navigraph US FAA Map on the utility page (premium).
- Changed the way to select the Utility maps.
For more information about this software for the GTN 750 see the website PMS50. There is a free version, with less possibility’s and a full working version.
And for Stream Deck users there is a very helpfully Software Interface from Flight Panels. Or you can go for the hardware version from RealSim Gear:
It’s your choice.