A good friend has gone

Jun-KazamaMany of you will have known my good friend Jun Kazama, in many forums known as ‘Gallopinggoose’.

I am sad to tell you that Jun passed away on December 3rd, a victim of cancer.

Our heartfelt condolences go to his dear wife Fumie first and foremost.

But also to all of his many friends all over the world, whom he charmed with his enthusiasm and Internet presence. Jun was part of many Internet communities and forums and always present in our Beta Teams. He was a virtual bush pilot, made wonderful videos and connected many Japanese simmers to the rest of the world.

I know from our conversations that Jun strongly believed in us coming back in another form after passing away. That means we’ll meet again. Maybe, as Jun once said, as the eagles we both loved so much.

Rest in peace, my friend, until we meet again.

0 Responses

  1. I canot believe this news! Jun was a great virtual friend. It was because of his skill, enthusiasm and support that I ventured into video making what seems an absolute age ago.
    I’m sorry to say that we had lost touch more recently as I have done hardly anything related to flightsim for about a year.
    This is indeed very sad news.
    RIP Jun

  2. Jun has been a great “virtual” buddy for several years and it’s very sad to hear he lost his battle with cancer. A truly fantastic guy who will be sorely missed by many.

  3. Very very sad news.. had the pleasure to fly with him online at Emma from time to time. He made a video of Emma Field a long time ago that motivated me to do my ¨Emma Field Tribute¨ video..

    Hope to see you soon buddy =)


  4. Hey Francois,
    I’m very saddened to hear this, and very saddened for your loss. I lost a friend to cancer over a year ago. It was an eye opening and humbling experience. It seems like it happens to the best of them.

    All effected are in my prayers.

  5. Sad story :(…
    He was a great virtual friend – All the best to his famaly. The simming world had lost a great member.


  6. Very sorry to hear that Jun has passed. A real friend to you and pioneer to many of us.

    Heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. The community has lost a ‘one of the best.’

    Soar like an eagle Jun and, hopefully, become one.

  7. Very sad to hear of Jun’s passing – he was a true embodiment of the community that grew out of Microsoft’s flight simulator and other platforms. A very talented scenery designer, aircraft modeler and painter. FS is a poorer place without him.


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