Focke Wulf 190 From Classic Hangar

FW190The German Classic Hangar has published a ‘new’ Focke Wulf 190 on simMarket. “…… Included in this Flight Simulator X add-on package are renditions of the later production variants of the WW II Luftwaffe’s second major fighter aircraft, the Focke Wulf Fw 190 A. Depicted are the standard variants Fw 190 A-5 to A-9, some of these in different configurations, as well as renditions of the Fw 190 A-7/R2 and the heavily armoured Fw 190 A-8 “Sturmjäger” sub-variants, the latter commonly known as “Rammjäger”….”. See pictures and buy it here at simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. Watch your pronunciation on this plane if you are not German, especially if your from New York City!