FS Academy already sent the notification to their registered users at simMarket : their tutorial packs of missions have received updates, respectively Jetliner MSFS to the version 1.4, and IFR MSFS to the version v1.5.1.
Jetliner is a pack of 30 missions in which a real A320 pilot teach you a lot of interesting things to fly a commercial airliner in MSFS : common systems like FCU, FMGC, but also standard procedures and checklists.
changelog JETLINER v14
-Fix for forcing correct assistance settings to avoid loss of control
-Imagery and menu UI improvements
-Adjusted Gibraltar wrong turn trigger
-Reduced required control deflection during control checks
-Revised opening camera sequences
In IFR MSFS, the goal is to get you flying and navigating with extensive use of the onboard avionics : read instruments, find your way, enter the flight parameters into your aircraft system, use Jeppesen charts, follow actual pilot techniques and pass the IR checkride !
Changelog FS ACADEMY – IFR v1.5.1
This minor update mainly fixes the blank PFD in IFR11.