Fabio Merlo announced the Autumn Update for the version 4.5 of FlightControlReplay Professional : for the most complete Record / Replay utility for MSFS, P3D5 – 1 and FSX.
Another FREE update is available to ALL registered users of FlightControlReplay (FCR). Among the NEW features that have been added. we introduce the AI Traffic detection : FCR lets you select one or multiple AI aircraft operating in your vicinity so you can Record and Replay from their point of view. Switch and cycle between the different aircraft. AI detection include both AI Traffic generated by the simulator, and the AI planes generated by PlayASAI feature of FCR, with their respective custom position.
Coming along this AI Aircraft detection, FCR lets you Record and Replay one or multiple selection of them at once. In one FCR instance, you can generate other Ghosts Aircraft with PlayAsAI feature for formation flying, and in another FCR instance running at the same time, you can Record and Replay several aircraft among them, or even follow one or several AI aircraft operating near your main User Aircraft.
It’s now also possible to Import a KML file into FCR to Replay a Real Life Flight in the simulator (MSFS only). KML files are geographic data files that can be open in Google Earth for example. Flightaware.com can export for free the track of a real life flight as a KML File.
With FCR, you can now reproduce, follow, and record this flight in the flight simulator.
Thanks to XMapsy developer, FlightControlReplay is now compatible with this excellent EFB connector for use with multiple simulators and mobile device (iOS/Android). It means that when XMapsy exports a KML file of your flight, it’s directly injected into FCR. Easy and fast to replay and record it !
Upon the demand of our existing customers, we still look for new areas of improvement in the proprietary algorithm in order to fix bugs and to improve the smooth videos, the most accurate reproduction of your aircraft events. We did it here again, a new bunch of fixes are included.
The update is FREE for all registered users.
Please uninstall your current version, download the updated setup from your customer account, and install this new version.
- NEW FEATURE ADDED Record / Replay AI Planes with AI Traffic detection: Switch view to AI aircraft of AI traffic. Detect also the ghosts aircraft of PlayAsAI by FCR : follow, replay and record any of them that were mentioned here (MSFS P3D).
- NEW FEATURE ADDED KML file import to replay a real life flight in the simulator (MSFS only).
- NEW FEATURE ADDEDXMapsy compatible KML file export directly injected into FCR, ready for Replay and Record !
- FEATURE ENHANCEMENTAlgorithm improvements for even more accurate and smooth videos.
Official website : https://flightcontrolreplay.wordpress.com/
Store : https://secure.simmarket.com/fabio-merlo-flightcontrolreplay-professional-edition-fsx-p3d.phtml