Updates At FS2Crew

fs2crewFS2Crew has “….. just released two new Service Updates for its PMDG MD-11 Edition: Service Update 1 for the FS9 version, and  Service Update 3 for the FSX version. Both updates make improvements to the software and correct some minor bugs. As per customer request, a new option was added for on-line VATSIM and IVAO users who wanted the virtual FO to turn on the Transponder when taking the runway, not during pre-flight.

FS2Crew would also like to remind its user base that a full British and European voice set is also available for download. All updates from FS2Crew are available for FREE. Using procedures modeled from real-world airlines, FS2Crew develops airline crew simulations for Flight Simulator. Please visit www.fs2crew.com for the updates…..”.

All FS2Crew products can be found here at simMarket.

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