Aerosoft – Ice Bucket Challenge

As you know Ice Bucket Challenge thing,Β it’s coming up to Flight Simulator world.

Aerosoft got nominated by Dovetail Games (Train Simulator). Just check out their video! It’s now Flight1, Astragon and TML Studios who have now to take up the IBC.

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    1. I was afraid someone would raise the question. There’s no water in my country but false excuse yes ! And I’ve not been nominated either πŸ™‚

  1. (Actually Ian P logged in as Bob… Don’t ask!)

    It would have to be a very big bucket, considering it would have to cover the entire planet. πŸ˜‰

    Seriously, I actually couldn’t do it for health reasons. Shaz has been nominated to do it, but has so far declined to accept the nomination, I’m not sure of anyone else on the sF staff who has (yet!)

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