On the ‘latest news‘ page of the Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D website, Software Manager Wesley Bard informs us that version 2.2 of the sim is now available for download to licensed customers.
Including a number of updates, improvements and fixes, v2.2 can be downloaded from your “Purchased Downloads” page if you are logged into the site and have previously licensed version 2.x. A list of some of the included changes can be found by clicking “Read more”, below.
At a very high level, the Prepar3D v2.2 update has the following updates and addresses the following issues:
- Autogen out of memory crashes
- The inclusion of the v2.1 panels ‘hotfix’ that reverted changes to the ContentErrorLogging system that caused previously compatible aircraft to not work
- New cloud shadows feature as well as several new shadow system optimizations
- A new sample for the Prepar3D Development Kit (PDK) API – Oculus Rift integration
- Native radar support for Prepar3D developers
- A redesign and refactor of the legacy Flight Recorder system
- A new FlightInstructor mode for SimDirector, as well as several other SimDirector enhancements
- Several other community and developer issues resolved
Other issues resolved:
- Resolved an issue where force feedback joysticks would not continue to rumble after an initial vehicle crash
- Resolved a backwards compatibility issue where DTX 5 vegetation would flicker in several Orbx addons
- Resolved a backwards compatibility issue with the airport lighting in Aerosoft airport addons
- Resolved an issue where aircraft labels were not being drawn at the distance that was expected
- Resolved an issue where ground visibility was limited to 50 miles
- Resolved a crash where constantly spamming the pause and unpause in certain addon aircraft could crash the Prepar3D sound system
- Resolved an issue where AI aircraft could swap texture sets
- Resolved an issue certain stock airports were not rendering their taxiways
- Resolved an issue where the modeling tools would not respond to EventID and CallbackJumpDragging tags
- Threaded out several jobs to help prevent stutters in rendering the autogen systems
- Resolved an issue where trees would render in and out with the camera rotating
- Resolved a legacy issue with setting brake SimVars via SimConnect would not work as documented
- Resolved an issue where render to texture views were not scaling correctly in 2D panels
- Resolved an issue where IR views showed the sun as large squares
- Disabled AA on clouds, particles and faded edges
- Added additional sliders to the lighting settings page to independently control terrain and shadow draw distances
To view the full news article, with a more in-depth look at the changes, visit the Prepar3D website, here.
0 Responses
CLOUD SHADOWS!? This is an historic day in FS history.
Love this sim! P3D 2.2 is the best civilian flight sim out there……sorry XP10!