FS2Crew‘s range of products has been expanded again today, with the addition of a Voice Control edition for the Aerosoft Airbus X A320/321 (formerly known as Airbus X Extended).
Both Voice and Button Control versions of the software are now available, bringing far more realism to the flight deck of Aerosoft’s airliners as you are joined by a co-pilot who will aid you in operating the aircraft, running through normal workflow procedures, checklists, etcetera, as well as cabin and ground crew. Find out more by clicking here for the Voice Control edition and here for the Button Control edition, released last month. The packages are suitable for use in both FSX and Prepar3D.
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I got it and I like it a lot , you guys need to expand this some of your other aircraft please
There are two companies involved in creating something at this level, Tod – the aircraft developer (Aerosoft, here) and the add-on developer (FS2Crew here). FS2Crew or an equivalent can only create a package such as this for aircraft that have the capability for an external package to influence them, so basically they have to work with the developer and there has to be an SDK, or at least open architecture, available for the software to hook into. Very few developers do this, so if you want to see more products such as this, you need to get the aircraft developers to allow it.