In a press release issued today, VATSIM Israel’s (VATIL’s ) events department announce that they are teaming up with TAMI – Tel Aviv Makers International – to provide a single location where members can meet to provide ATC in a group, rather than individually in their own homes.
On Saturday 4/5/13 from 14:00 to 18:00, members will be meeting for the first time, hopefully of many. To read the full press release, click “Read more”, below.
“For the first in VATSIM – Place which Air Traffic Controllers can meet each other and control together often!
On Staurday 4/5/13 from 14:00z to 18:00z you are invited to take part in very special project between VATSIM Israel and T.A.M.I – Tel Aviv Makers International.
Tel Aviv Makers International (TAMI) is a group of people with similar interests (more or less) that like to think, teach learn and create.
They are interested not only in computers and electronics – in this place you will be able to find amateur carpenters, cookers, people interested in do it yourself biology, and more.
TAMI wiki @
TAMI agreed to provide us their facilities for our events so our best controllers will meet each other there and give you high quality ATC service in Israel!
Its important to mention that this event is a begining of new VATIL tradition.
Ben-Gurion Charts & Notams :“
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Thank you for posting it!