Amazing 727 crash on purpose


Take an actual Boeing 727, install cameras, sensors and .. crash test dummies !

Channel 4 and a production company spent US$ 1.500.000 to film a crash and to produce spectacular views and crash data to analyze.

Although this experience mimics one of the less hard crash (low fuel reserves, zero roll, flat and sandy terrain.., they came to the same conclusions : the closest to the tail, the best chance to get out alive.

0 Responses

  1. Interesting of course but no mention of fire which would ordinarily be inevitable but clearly did not happen in the test for whatever reason. Fire would of course have an impact on survivability. Maybe the Discovery Channel show went into that aspect in more detail.

  2. So people who pay more die no matter what… 1% gets to go and all of us 99% at the back of the plane.. live to see a free world. WOW.

    1. Airlines companies think you have more chance to land alive and safe. The more you pay, the faster you get out of the airplane at your destination. Next, we’ll answer why you can’t open the passengers windows. 😉

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