Take On Helicopters Previews at European Shows

Two months before planned release of Bohemia Interactive’s new helicopter sim Take On Helicopters, SimWare and BI have announced that they will be previewing the sim at two European Flight Simulation events:

·       SimWare Simulations VIP Days – Brussels (Belgium) – Sept. 17, 2011
·       Mondial Simulation – Paris (France) – Sept 30 & Oct.1-2, 2011

The SimWare team as well as Bohemia’s creative director and team leader will attend the Paris show to demonstrate the product and answer all questions.

More information is constantly being added to the Take On Helicopters page at http://takeonthegame.com/, including links to community preview files that can be used to test the ‘light helicopter’ flight model in BI’s ArmA2 Operation Arrowhead, or the ArmA Reinforcements packs. Those attending the above events, however, will be able to see the sim in its own glory as well.

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