Intermap Technologies and FS Dreamscapes today announced “…… the release of NEXTMap ProMesh Oklahoma, another region in their series of terrain mesh and photoscenery downloads that already include California, Florida, Hawaii, Mississippi and the United Kingdom, for Microsoft FSX and ESP…..”.“….. “This is a special title in the series,” says Dean Mountford, president and CEO of FS Dreamscapes. “Simulator pilots can now experience flying over Oklahoma with 4.75-meter elevation data which dramatically increases the realism of the state’s terrain and makes flying visual flight rules even more immersive. The 4.75 m data is a significant increase in the detail compared to the default 30 meter elevation data derived from the USGS national elevation dataset that had been the standard until now.”
This terrain is eight times the resolution and sixty-four times more detailed than the default Flight Simulator X terrain mesh for the United States. Instead of appearing flat and barren, NEXTMap ProMesh Oklahoma is based on Intermap’s highly uniform and reliable elevation data that allows users to view every hill, gully, freeway overpass, and ground feature as they fly over the state.
“The NEXTMap ProMesh Oklahoma product allows pilots to fly near real-world missions through pre-visualizing the surrounding terrain safely within the Microsoft Flight Simulator X and ESP applications. As Intermap continues to increase the digital mapping coverage across the U.S we’ll continue to enable FS Dreamscapes to expand the coverage of their leading flight simulator dataset. Ultimately, pilots will be able to fly from coast to coast across the U.S. when the project is complete.” stated Kevin Thomas, vice president of marketing for Intermap Technologies.
NEXTMap ProMesh add-ons for FSX and Microsoft ESP allow consumers, pilot trainees, researchers and scientists to maneuver real time within a 3D visualization simulation platform. The use of Intermap’s NEXTMap USA and NEXTMap Europe uniformly derived digital terrain models within the Flight Simulator and ESP platforms are paving the way for future real time visual simulation technologies with practical real world applications…..”.
Available here at simMarket.