openVFR North America : first countries available for download

First off, happy holidays. 🙂 We hope this time of the year has given you time to enjoy family, friends and of course diving into virtual flying.

Well, as a last message for this year we are very happy to announce that we have launched our first countries for North America in openVFR. Just visit the product websites (Terrain / Objects) or our Facebook page to get an impression of the first nine countries, which are ready for download now.

“After the release of openVFR Europe we have got so many requests from the flightsim community to implement openVFR also for other areas of the earth.”, Markus Freyt states. “Fortunately Openstreetmap covers the whole planet with fantastic data for every place. So, when selecting the new countries we have listened to those flight simmers.”

Also for openVFR North America you can select between “openVFR Terrain” and “openVFR Objects”. Again both download products are based on data from the great user-driven Openstreetmap project. openVFR Terrain will add a lot of its geographical information like roads, rivers, forests,… Compared to older versions of openvFR the openVFR North America is much more sophisticated in representing city areas. Also isles in rivers and lakes are added. Finally freeway traffic for roads is now much more optimized. openVFR Objects is used to add 3D objects like wind generators or towers. Compared to older versions of openVFR this new version is again optimized in frame performance, but you’ll still need a modern CPU and a powerful video card.

The following countries are ready for download:

Washington (screens on Facebook)

Oregon (screens on Facebook)

Arizona (screens on Facebook)

Colorado (screens on Facebook)

Carribbean Area (incl Bermuda) (screens on Facebook)

Connecticut & Rhode Islands (screens on Facebook)

Massachusetts (screens on Facebook)

Missouri (screens on Facebook)

Honduras (screens on Facebook)

More territories of North America to be released soon. If you require other countries just send us your area request for free.