FSPS – Multicore Environment Advanced

FSPS developed an advanced version of Multicore Advanced. It has now extra features like Booster for applications and the ability to set task priority. Available here.

0 Responses

  1. Amazing piece of soft. I set everything I want to run in a profile, I store it, I execute with one-click only and I gained even 25fps in FSX. Wow!!! Worth every buck!

  2. a piece of s$$t. No fps advantage at all! Don’t buy it, ít’s absolutely not worth it.

  3. Mr. TomW,

    Nice to have you back again with your bad reports.
    Firstly, buy it or try it and then you can publish your opinion.

  4. I bought FSPS MulticoreEnvironment a few months ago and am very pleased with its performance boosts on several programs- not just flight sim products. Running Trainz2010 and Trains2009 assigned to different cores has turned a 45-second load time to almost instantaneous with lightning fast performance in game.

    It also seems to work extremely well with Photoshop and other 3D rendering programs.

    I HIGHLY recommend this purchase to anyone! Be sure to READ the instructions though- or it wont work! 🙂