Legoland’s Billund Airport

Now available on simMarket for your purchasing pleasure is the Danish Billund Airport. Made by Aero Files, the maker reports that “….. This airport has been made with extreme quality photoreal textures on the buildings. The model it self is so true to the real life airport, that you will be amazed. Billund Airport is the second largest airport in Denmark. The airport has been beta tested several times by real world pilots, and by people with inside knowledge of the airport structure and placement of each building….”. Get your copy here at simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. Hey….. finally something from MY country. I have been there several times, actually flown in a small Cessna (as a passenger) over and around both Legoland, and the airport.

    Thanks Aero files for making this.

  2. I’m with Ole,

    It’s great to be able to fly around something from your own country.
    When I’m back from Malta next week, I’ll be getting this. :o)


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