Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 v1.1.10.0

Just fresh out of the press, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 v1.1.10.0 is now available on all platforms. And there will be another larger patch coming out next week as well. As mentioned in a early newsitem. Read more about it here.


If you are playing on PC, outdated packages in your community folder may have an unexpected impact on the title’s performance and behavior. If you suffer from stability issues or long loading times, move your community package(s) to another folder before relaunching the title.

Stability & Performance

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when navigating fast between the challenges.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to adjust Tobii Eye Tracker hardware in the settings menu.
  • Fixed various crashes.

General Bug Fixes

  • Fixed remaining broken jetways.
  • Updated the message asking the player to link the Steam account.
  • Fixed unloading/reloading of WASM gauges upon restarting a flight.



  • Traffic GUID object was broken due to the value being encoded in 64 bits which can not be handled in Javascript. The value is now in 32 bits.


  • Fixed impact damage threshold for the contact points of the basket that was causing a back-on-track loop that hardlocked the game for hot air balloon and FlyDOO.

Aircraft tech

Model behavior

  • Fixed a crash when hovering interactions only defining an event_id and a tooltip (backward compatibility with FSX simple interactions).


  • Fixed a bug when leaving flight while in slew mode.


  • Added tags on disabled items to better reflect why they are disabled.
  • Added a tag to warn the player if an item has not been verified by the creator.