Just Flight – DC Designs Concorde MSFS Update v1.0.7

Just Flight DC Designs Concorde for MSFS has received a significant update to version 1.0.7, focusing on enhancing detail, accuracy, and functionality. The flight deck has undergone extensive improvements, with rebuilt detailing and texture art for a more refined appearance. Several additional instruments, gauges, and control systems have been added, further expanding the Concorde’s system depth. Notably, the update introduces compatibility with a CIVA INS platform, which will be fully functional once coded, and offers a choice between FMC and CIVA INS navigation through visibility toggling.

Exterior updates include revised UV maps for improved resolution and accuracy, along with new, higher-resolution normal maps for enhanced detailing. All liveries have been updated to align with the revised layouts, with the inclusion of a Concorde prototype livery and additional British Airways liveries tailored to specific years. These refinements bring a polished, more authentic experience to the iconic supersonic airliner.

Changelog v1.0.7

  • Rebuilding of many flight deck detailing and texture art for greater detail and accuracy
  • Addition of further system and instrument drums, gauges and controls
  • Addition of CIVA INS platform ready for active use once coded
  • FMC now visibility controlled so the user can choose between FMC and CIVA INS navigation
  • Fuselage UV maps revised for greater resolution and accuracy
  • New exterior normal maps with higher resolution detailing
  • All liveries revised to match new layouts
  • Addition of Concorde prototype livery and further BA liveries (based on year)
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1 month ago

It is a very nice update. I especially like the rolling gauge numbers. Definitely adds to the atmosphere.

It would be great that the reheat lights on the % area gauges work as we can see them in this video https://youtu.be/xgOo6sqJQmA?t=61

I noticed something must have changed in the flight model, which has degraded the experience.

  1. It’s very hard to get to 28,000 ft without using reheat. Using ALT ACQ with 100% power (but no reheat) will lead the aircraft to lose all its speed. I have to level off at 10,000, increase to 350 knots, go to 15000, by that time the speed has bled to 250, and do it again.
  2. Between 28000 and 45000 using MAX CLIMB will frequently make the aircraft overspeed.
  3. Over Mach 1.7 as the reheat needs to be turned off, MAX CLIMB still doesn’t behave properly and the aircraft loses altitude. ALT ACQ works better to reach FL550-FL600.
  4. IAS HOLD next to altitude doesn’t seem to do what it is supposed to, i.e., adjusting the pitch to maintain speed.

Overall it seems that trust without reheat is a bit underpowered and autopilot altitude management has been broken.

It would be great if the autothrottle didn’t turn reheat on, that inaccuracy was already present in previous versions.

I am using MSFS 2020.

1 month ago

A couple of more bugs in the autopilot:

  • When VERT SPEED is selected, the plane does not level once target altitude is reached.
  • On GLIDE or LAND mode, autothrottle buttons aren’t responsive. As a result it is not possible to adjust speed in approach phase, the work around is to turn off AP, adjust speed, then turn on AP again.

During approach the noose has difficulties to drop, it requires moving the lever several times before it responds.

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