The latest update (v1.0.6) for Aerosoft and FlightSim Studio’s Boeing 727 Freighter in MSFS introduces exciting features and improvements. Special Ops missions can be simulated now with unique liveries and airframes added for FREE : Zero-G and Oil Spill Recovery, to replicate real-world scenarios where the 727 serves in specialized roles. The Oil Spill Recovery version, used by British Oil Spill Response Limited, includes spray tanks and a control panel for oil spill containment operations. The Zero-G livery offers a recreation of NASA’s G-Force One, providing zero-gravity experiences for research and private flights.
This update also includes several system enhancements, such as improved engine gauges, hydraulic logic fixes, and new approach callouts that can be toggled via the clipboard. Users can expect additional features like Crew Manager notifications and refined 3D model decals for improved clarity. The update previews the upcoming GNS-XLS flight management computer, which will support manual flight planning, Simbrief integration, and an AFIS-accessible moving map, with a planned release before Christmas.
Looking ahead, the development team has early access to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 and is planning a compatibility update for it. A fully optimized FS24-native version may follow, depending on development progress. The 727 product line’s roadmap includes a passenger variant, a VIP model, and the Super27, which will feature upgraded engines and avionics. These additions aim to enhance the 727 experience in 2025 and beyond, while ongoing support continues for FS20.
Aerosoft – Flightsim Studio – B727 Freighter MSFS can be purchased at SIMMARKET.

Changelog v1.0.6
Bug Fixes:
- #880 – APU Panel – AC Meter logic updated
- #434 – Incorrect Hyd Sys B logic when powering aircraft fixed
- #717 – Fixed Engine odd behavior during shutdown
- #1146 – Fixed Fuel Flow Gauge behavior on Engine Start
- #1144 – Engine blades not spinning now fixed
- #1109 – Outboard Ailerons movement at flaps 5 fixed
- #1152 – Pull Up button stuck after GPWS mode 4 now fixed
- #1128 – Update some buttons incorrect emissive behavior
- #1145 – Fixed Engine No.1 N2 needle spooldown incorrect behavior
- #1123 – HSI Glideslope Indicator now working during ILS Approach
- #230 – Approach callouts added
- #505 – Decal LODs improved
- #849 – Crem Manager Notifications added when a step is finished
- #606 – Added Oil Spill Response Livery
- #896 – Improved ZeroG livery cabin
- #555 – Improved Decals LOD on Cockpit
- #758 – Diameter effect on APU heat reduced
- #1017 – Warning horn logic on bounced landing improved
- #1141 – GPWS logic on Oil Spill Recovery livery added
- #1131 – Updated Hyd Sys B logic
- #1134 – Updated Krueger Flaps behavior when Hyd Sys A pressure available