French post card received from the Atlantic Ocean coastline and sent by FranceVFR : LFRS Nantes Atlantique MSFS20. It is an expertly crafted rendition of Nantes Atlantique Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Located in the Loire-Atlantique department, this add-on provides incredible detail, featuring photo-realistic 3D buildings, detailed ground markings, realistic night lighting, and reworked vegetation on and around the platform. Part of the Airports France Pack #4, this scenery offers a visually stunning and highly immersive experience for both IFR and VFR flights in the Pays-de-Loire region.
With this airport, FranceVFR brings an exceptionally realistic atmosphere, thanks to animations, reworked runway profiles, and geo-referenced data, ensuring full compatibility with other add-ons. FranceVFR – LFRS Nantes Atlantique MSFS20 supports SIMMARKET’s simInstaller technology, making installation straightforward and convenient through the SIMMARKET App.
With Siminstaller = MSFS Auto-Install and Auto-Update via SIMMARKET app