Flight Panels – FlyByWire Airbus A380X

With the new FREE Airbus A380X from FlyByWire this could be a handy software for the StreamDeck users. Not fiddling your self with complicated configurations, but you can use this one from Flight Panels.

With the Flight Panels Autopilot Panel for the FlyByWire Airbus A380X you can manage your aircraft’s autopilot and EFIS systems using the physical buttons on your Stream Deck XL or through Stream Deck Mobile for iOS and Android, to create a truly immersive experience.

As the current version of the FlyByWire Airbus A380X is an Alpha release, additional features and functionality will be added to this product in future updates. Features which aren’t currently available are represented by an ‘INOP’ sticker.

Installation of our profiles is extremely quick and simple. Once purchased, you’ll be provided with an installer that will automatically install and configure all of the necessary software. Need help? Our friendly team is on hand via email, live chat and Discord.

Here is the version for the XL Stream Deck

And there is also one profile for the Stream Deck+

Control your aircraft’s autopilot systems with a push, tap and twist.

With the Flight Panels Autopilot Panel for the FlyByWire Airbus A380X you can manage your aircraft’s autopilot systems using the physical buttons, LCD touchscreen and rotary dials on your Stream Deck Plus (+) to create a truly immersive experience.

As the current version of the FlyByWire Airbus A380X is an Alpha release, additional features and functionality will be added to this product in future updates. At present, it’s not possible to change COM1/COM2 active or standby frequencies through this profile due to a bug, which has been reported to the developers.

Flight Control Panel 1 (FCP)
Button Controls: Chrono Start/Stop, Flight Director (FD), Autopilot 1 (AP1), Autopilot 2 (AP2), Landing System (LS), Velocity Vector (VV), Localiser (LOC), Auto Throttle (A/THR).

Rotary Dials & LCD Screen: Real-time values for heading, altitude, and vertical speed. Rotate the rotary dials left or right to increase or decrease values. Speed: Press the rotary dial to toggle between Managed & Selected mode, tap the screen to toggle MACH/SPD.

Heading: Press the rotary dial to toggle between Managed & Selected mode, tap the screen to toggle True/Mag; Altitude: Press the rotary dial to toggle between Managed & Selected mode, long-press the rotary dial to “pull” the altitude knob, tap the screen to toggle 100/100; Vertical Speed: Press the rotary dial to enable Vertical Speed, tap the screen to level off aircraft.

Flight Control Panel 2 (FCP) / Communications
Button Controls: BARO Set, MACH/SPD, TRUE/MAG, HDG-V/S, ALT (INOP), APPR. Rotary Dials & LCD Screen: Real-time frequency values for COM1/COM2 (Active and Standby).

Button Controls: CSTR, WPT, VORD, NDB, WX, TERR, TRAF, VOR2. Rotary Dials: Real-time values for BARO (IN), BARO (HPA), Map Mode, Map Zoom. Rotate the rotary dials left or right to increase or decrease values. BARO (IN): Press the rotary dial or tap the LCD to toggle STD Mode, BARO (HPA): Press the rotary dial or tap the LCD to toggle STD Mode

NAV Radios
Button Controls: CSTR, WPT, VORD, NDB, WX, TERR, TRAF, VOR2.  Rotary Dials & LCD Screen: Real-time frequency values for NAV1/NAV2 (Active and Standby). Rotate rotary dials 1 and 2 to change the standby frequency for NAV1 and dials 3 & 4 for NAV2. Tap the screen or press a standby rotary dial to swap between Standby and Active.

Button Controls: CSTR, WPT, VORD, NDB, WX, TERR, TRAF, VOR2. Rotary Dials: Rotate the rotary dials to increase or decrease each of the transponder digits.

Button Controls: Strobe, Beacon, Nav, Logo, Wing, Landing, Taxi, and Turnoff. Rotary Dials: Rotate the rotary dials to increase or decrease light intensity.
