MSFS – Development update October 31, 2024

On October 30st was the latest Developer Livestream.  Jorg was joined by three members of the SDK team at Asobo to answer some of the most common questions they have seen from third party developers since the start of the Dev Alpha last week.
Also appearing on the stream were three members of Microsoft’s Marketplace team to discuss some upcoming changes to the Marketplace in the new sim. And of particular note to fans of military aircraft is a new policy change: visible but non-functional weapons will now be permitted on aircraft sold via the in-sim Marketplace.

If you missed the broadcast live while it happened, you can watch the stream here on via YouTube:

The SDK team and Marketplace team join Jayne and Jorg today to talk about updates and changes to the SDK and Marketplace for Micorosft Flight Simulator 2024.

00:00 Introductions
03:01 Dev Alpha Progress
30:17 EFB
42:58 Mabel – Marketplace Content in 2024/2020
46:55 Todd – Marketplace Content Portal
01:01:13 Julie – Marketplace Pricing
01:09:59 Jorg Closing Comments

The next developer livestream is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th at 10:30am PDT (1830 UTC). Please note that the start time may be different in your local time zone due to the switch from Daylight Saving Time to Standard time in many parts of the world. Next week’s livestream will feature aircraft developer Mike Johnson as well as members of the team at iniBuilds to preview the new aircraft they are creating for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.

Read more about the Third Party Update’s here
