NeoFly- Events & Failures v4.7.0.

Last week there was a update for the NeoFly users. Version 4.7.0. – New features: Events & Failures. What is NeoFly: “You start as an ambitious bush pilot who only has access to basic missions. Can you work your way up through the ranks?  As you gain money and experience you will be able purchase new aircrafts, gain higher qualifications, and fly new mission types !”

More info about this ‘freeware’ software on there website. I’m not familiar with this software, but ik looks good and maybe a try in the future. It’s fully compatible with the later MSFS 2024.
Any experience?

See below the fixes and new features:


  • Remaining payload doesn’t count copilot and flight attendants
  • Searching for float planes yields no results
  • Wheeled planes available for sale/rent at seabases
  • Flight Attendants not getting paid
  • Simfocus Disabled setting not saving
  • Hired Pilot moves too fast while NF closed
  • Hired Pilot ETA increases while NF open
  • Express mission from hub gives too much time to complete
  • Hired Pilot can fail express mission even if they land on time
  • Tooltip is wrong for pilot wage and Endurance
  • Crash when clicking on CoPilot or FA with no plane


  • Aircraft Market when searching by aircraft name,
  • it will search around ICAO field
  • results will always show at least one for sale and one for rent

New features:

  • Failures added: Failures can happen on the runway during takeoff, after takeoff, before landing, or if your hull or engine status is too low. To reset after a failure, quit to the MSFS Menu and load back in. If your failure causes you to land in a field, you will be rescued back to the nearest airport. You can enable or disable failures and control the frequency of them in the NF Settings
  • Events added: to test it enable it in the NF Settings. Events are triggered only if you have some pax or cargo type job into your plane missions list

Events are not mandatory, you will be asked to land to a specific field for some reasons. If you complete an event, you will have your reward doubled.

NB: Events and some failures need mission cargo or pax to works. Events use Elena voice, even with Michael voice**

The download link.
