FlyByWire Simulations Delivers Major A380X Update with New Features and Cabin Tour

FlyByWire Simulations has shared a significant development update on their highly anticipated A380X aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator during their appearance on the Blu-XPerience Podcast. The team revealed new images and videos showcasing various aspects of the aircraft’s progress. This includes a tour of the 3D passenger cabin, which highlights impressive animations and realistic design details, along with a demonstration of the cockpit’s fully functional avionics systems.

Among the key features presented were advanced cockpit displays such as the Electronic Flight Bag (EFB), airport moving maps, various ECAM pages, and MCDU functionality. The team also discussed the challenges they’ve faced in bringing the A380X to life, aiming for both accuracy and immersion in every detail, from ground operations to in-flight realism. This update marks a major step forward in the aircraft’s development, exciting the MSFS community.

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