MSFS – Development update August 22, 2024

A summery of the Development update. First a “Happy Anniversary”, on August 18, 2020 was the release of the new MSFS2020. 4 years now, with many free updates. The team released four short videos showing all the updates from the past four years. For a trip down memory lane, you can watch the videos here below:

Year 2020:

Year 2021:

Year 2023:

Year 2024:

And now the release of World Update 18: Germany, Austria & Switzerland:

Together with the Local Legend 19: Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor:

And more news on the World Hub on September 5, 2024.

Read more about all this on the MSFS website.

And remember most of the software for Flightsimulator, still available via your account on simMarket.
