Navigraph – AIRAC Cycle 2408

AIRAC Cycle 2408 has been released! Update your tools and add-on aircraft FMS databases using the FMS Data Manager, and using the Navigraph Hub for MSFS users. The current Jeppesen charts are already available through the Navigraph Charts app.

And from the newsletter of Navigraph:

Welcome to the August newsletter from Navigraph! This time around, we have quite the list of treats and updates for you, starting with a world-first — the FSReborn Sting S4 becoming the first G3X-equipped aircraft to offer full support for Navigraph Charts. Also, learn more about how moving maps work on the iconic Leonardo Maddog X and acquaint yourself with the newly released Xbox version of JustFlight’s Fokker 28 — a much sought-after addition to the growing number of MSFS Xbox compatible aircraft to offer seamless EFB Navigraph Charts and SimBrief integration.

As if that wasn’t enough, we invite you to fly along with our very own Jason Sokoloff as he delves into the often misunderstood world of VORs while in a separate post inviting you onboard the mighty triple seven for a domestic tour from the American Midwest to the Bay Area. Let’s dive into it.

Moving Maps Comes to Fly the Maddog X

Navigraph Charts in Fly the Maddog X

Leonardo’s Fly the Maddog X is a fantastic addition to any aircraft collection. The latest update, version 1.2b190, introduces moving maps on Navigraph Charts to the Maddog Electronic Flight Bag (EFB). Additionally, IFR High and Low charts from Navigraph have been added, allowing you to zoom in to view airport diagrams powered by Jeppesen’s AMDB data. Read our blog post as we take the updated Maddog X on a test flight and learn more about this new version’s latest additions and fixes.

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VOR Navigation – Is That Still a Thing?

Beech Duke on the ramp at BTF in MSFS

Are you curious to learn more about flight simulation using conventional navigation systems? Perhaps even a bit put off by the complexity of the trusted workhorse beacons that still help guide airmen worldwide? Fear not; in this blog post, our seminal flight instructor Jason gives us an introductory course on VORs before taking you on an adventure to the skies above Yellowstone National Park. All in an effort to help create a realistic simulation experience using only conventional navigation in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

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FSReborn Sting S4 for MSFS with Charts in G3X for PC and Xbox

Navigraph maps in G3X of FSR Sting S4

With a primary structure composed of 85% carbon fiber, the Sting S4 has an empty weight of just 297 kg (655 lbs) — making it a fast, versatile and, dare we say, somewhat futuristic ultralight aircraft. Now, FSReborn has chosen to incorporate the G3X avionics unit with the Navigraph Avionics Plugin, allowing access to a range of features that will make traversing the skies even more of a fulfilling experience for fans of the Sting S4. Learn more about the rich world of features the Navigraph Avionics Plugin for the G3X opens!

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Xbox Release: JustFlight F28 with Charts for MSFS

JustFlight F28 Professional in MSFS

The Fokker F28, also known as the Fokker F28 Fellowship, was a popular regional jet airliner produced by the Dutch manufacturer Fokker. This aircraft significantly contributed to the advancement of regional air travel and was among the pioneering commercial short-haul jet airliners.

The F28 Professional from Just Flight has been popular with PC users for a while and finally Xbox platform users of MSFS can get their hands on it. Get seated and pop open the integrated Electronic Flight Bag for fast, easy in-game access to both Navigraph Charts and SimBrief. Keep reading to learn more about this and other supported Xbox aircraft on our Xbox page.

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B777 Into SFO: A Whale of an Approach – Challenging Approaches EP8

PMDG 777 approach into KSFO in MSFS

With the June release of PMDGs meticulously recreated B777 for MSFS, this iconic aircraft and fan favorite suddenly seemingly was everywhere. In a blog post filled with admiration for a true engineering feat, Jason from Navigraph jumps on the bandwagon to see what all the fuss truly is about. His journey with United Airlines flight UA 2672 from Chicago to San Francisco offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of virtual aviation and is well worth a read for newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts alike.

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