
FSexpo 2024 | BlueBird Simulations – 757 and 767 MSFS Preview Recap Trailer

At the FS Expo, BlueBird Simulations confirmed that their exclusive publisher of the upcoming 757 for MSFS will be Just Flight, promising it to be the most accurate and immersive rendition of the aircraft to date. The 757 will feature a complex electrical system simulating 20 electrical buses with functional circuit breakers, flight dynamics tested by real 757 pilots, custom sounds recorded directly from the actual aircraft, accurate night lighting with custom effects, fully simulated aircraft systems, and a terrain map.

Attendees were treated to previews of the 757 both in flight and during taxi operations, showcasing its realistic performance and detailed systems. Additionally, the expo featured updates on the 767, including the development of its 3D cockpit, which is currently being worked on before the application of textures. The 3D model of the 767 will include variants with and without winglets, highlighting intricate details on the exterior such as wings, engines, nacelles, and ailerons.

Regarding the 757, the release is projected for the end of 2024 or the first half of 2025, though no guarantees were provided. The aircraft will feature CRT and FPDS displays, available in both cargo and passenger versions. The passenger variant will include the 757-200 and 757-300 models with Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce engine options.

The cargo expansion for the 757 will be an optional and paid product. Pricing information for the 757 has not yet been disclosed. This level of detail and attention to accuracy aims to set a new standard in flight simulation, making the 757 a highly anticipated addition to the virtual skies.

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