Spinoza – Hildesheim Airfield (EDVM) MSFS

From the developer “Spinoza” again a perfect beautiful scenery of Hildesheim Airfield (EDVM). With a lot of details. So keep a sharp look out while taxiën. It’s a commercial airfield in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, Germany. This scenery is available via simMarket.

The airport has been privately operated by Flugplatz Hildesheim Betriebs-GmbH since July 1, 2009. It is used by aviation enthusiasts (gyrocopters, gliders, parachutists) and private and business pilots.

The Bundeswehr, British Armed Forces in Germany and police also regularly practice on this site. Flight operations usually take place daily between 10:00 a.m. and sunset, but no later than 8:00 p.m. local time . However, no traffic circuits may be flown on Sundays and public holidays .

Hildesheim runways (07/25  asphalt and grass) are approved for aircraft up to 5.7 t, helicopters, self-launching motor gliders, gliders, ultralight aircraft, airships, model aircraft and manned free balloons. HILDESHEIM airfield is home for many events: M’era Luna Festival, Moto XTreme Days, Technorama classic car races. On this airport you can find flying schools, skydive centers and flying clubs. Companies on this airport are FTS-Flugtechnik, SkyDive Hildesheim and AeroClub Hildesheim-Hannover e.V. 

Enjoy your flight from this awesome airfield either you fly  plane, glider, helicopter or ultralight aircrafts.

See more screenshots at simMarket

Guten flug !

Remark: WORLD UPDATES libraries (Germany / Austria / Nordic countries) are required : free download from the MSFS Marketplace.
