Free Cabin Updates Soon for Just Flight 146 Professional MSFS

Just Flight is set to elevate the experience if the virtual captains flying their 146 Professional MSFS with two major free updates. In a recent video, Mark from the in-house development team provides a detailed tour of the newly designed passenger cabin and galley areas, showcasing features like fully controllable cabin lighting, a crew communications system, interactive doors, and even a music player. This update is bound to enhance the immersive aspect of flying the 146 in MSFS, adding a layer of realism to the virtual journey.

The second free upgrade, eagerly anticipated by the flight simulation community, is the custom-coded UNS-1 FMS (Flight Management System). The UNS-1, a realistic simulation of the classic avionics system commonly retrofitted to 146s during their service, is now in the release candidate stage after months of meticulous development. Just Flight expresses their commitment to further develop the UNS-1, extending its integration to other aircraft in their portfolio, including the F28 Professional and A300B4 Professional, promising a unique and authentic avionics experience.

Beyond the announced updates, Just Flight continues to cater to the desires of their community. Two additional features, custom passenger and cargo boarding logic controlled via the Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) tablet and interactive yoke-mounted and clipboard paper charts, are currently in development. These new elements, along with a selection of fresh liveries, aim to fulfill the requests of the dedicated flight simulation enthusiasts who follow Just Flight’s ongoing developments.

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