About 2 weeks ago there was a very small update (Patch) for Prepar3D v6.1
Prepar3D v6.1 Patch 3 (6.1.11) is now available. Prepar3D v6.1 Patch 3 (v6.1.11) contains the following updates:
- Fixed crash when spawning effects using the VisualFXTool.
And before, 3 weeks ago, there was the Prepar3D v6.1 Patch 2 (v6.1.10) available. Prepar3D v6.1 Patch 2 contains the following updates:
- Fixed crash that could occur in long distance flights with flight plans when opening the menu.
- Fixed coordinate conversion bug in DIS exercise region calculation.
- Updates to DIS documentation concerning EntityTypeID.
- Added event to enable/disable mixed reality portal drawing.
- Fixed case where airway route finding could hang the application.
- Implemented proper heading calc for DME Arc tracking.
- Can now filter registered ISimobject event input properties from being transmitted in shared cockpit from client “slaved” to “master”
- Fixed net update in shared cockpit when multiple flight plans are used.
If enabled, you will receive a notification when starting Prepar3D to download and install the update. It can also be downloaded immediately from the Downloads section of the Prepar3D website