[Video] F-5 Tiger II by Venom Zero Productions | Trailer 4K by SIMMARKET

SIMMARKET introduce in their new video Venom Zero Productions with their F-5 Tiger II for Microsoft Flight Simulator, and the excitement comes to life in stunning 4K detail with a specially crafted trailer. Witness the extraordinary features of this incredible aircraft in action, combined with the scenery of SundownerSim – NAS Miramar Late 1980s MSFS.

🛒Order here
1️⃣ AIRCRAFT Venom Zero Productions – F-5 Tiger II MSFS

2️⃣ SCENERY SundownerSim – NAS Miramar Late 1980s MSFS

Automatic install in MSFS and Automatic Updates with SIMMARKET app
💻 https://secure.simmarket.com/app.php

Video tool : FlightControlReplay 5 MSFS P3D5-6


Features Summary

  • High-quality external model with realistic liveries (9 included).
  • Custom-built cockpit with limited switch interaction.
  • External fuel tanks and weapons, including AiM-9, MK-82, GBU-12.
  • Martin Baker Ejection Seat.
  • Basic Autopilot functionality.
  • Realistic external lighting.
  • Backlit gauges in the cockpit.
  • Switchable Gun Reticle or Asobo HUD.
  • Fully animated exterior control surfaces.
  • Animated gauges, throttles, stick, and rudder pedals.
  • Simulated Radar Scan (for scanning purposes only; does not detect targets).