Simworks Studios – PC-12 for MSFS – 1st Update and Tutorial With A Real Pilot!

Tutorial by OverKillSimulations

The 2 hours video embedded above and provided by the Youtuber OverKillSimulations covers various flight phases, starting from preflight checks to shutdown procedures, providing detailed insights and tips on handling the PC-12 in MSFS. The real pilot guide shares expertise on engine start-up, taxiing, takeoff, cruise, descent, approach, and landing, offering a comprehensive learning experience for both novice and experienced virtual aviators.

In the Discord server of Simworks Studios, they announced the first update for the PC-12 MSFS already available. Users are encouraged to open their SIMMARKET account and redownload the plane to receive the new version. Remember to uninstall the previous version before installing the updated one.


  • Installer: Fixed incorrect installation of TDS GTNXi version.
  • PC-12+PMS: Fixed INOP DirectTo & Home buttons on GTN750.
  • Graphics: Fixed artifacts on GTN glass surfaces.
  • Documentation: Corrected checklist PDF.

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